Practice Sequences Level 1 (All Levels) All Fundamental Poses by Juliana Fair Compact Hips and Extend Torso by Kathleen Pringle Level 2+ (Intermediate/ Advanced) Improving Sirsasana & Sarvangasana by Lou HoytInversions and Variations by Ruth Ann BradleyBack Bends by Gary JaegerUrdhva Padmasana by Becky LloydClasp in Marichyasana III by Nancy MauSupporting Opening of Dorsal Spine - Suzie MuchnickActive/Core Strength by Sandra PleasantsForward Bends by John SchumacherMental and Emotional Balance by Lori Lipton RitlandUrdhva Hasta Padangustana by Tricia Amheiser & Susan MarcusArdha Badha Padma Paschimottanasana by Nichole BakerKurmasana by Pom CayeiroMatsyasana by Jan LeFrancoisPadmasana by Rosa SantanaUrdhva Dhanurasana by Christina SibleDwi Pada Viparita Dandasana by Graham Williams Restorative/Specific Conditions (All Levels) Chest Openers by Colleen GallagherStomachache Sequence by Juli Kagan “A yogī is only concerned with life—how can he use his life for the betterment of humanity.” - B.K.S. Iyengar